Orkney Native Wildlife Project
A logo and brand identity for a new wildlife project in the Orkney Islands.

The aim of the ONWP is to safeguard Orkney’s incredible native wildlife. It’s a partnership project between RSPB Scotland, Scottish Natural Heritage, and Orkney Islands Council. But the project needed to have its own distinct personality that would be recognisable both in Orkney and internationally.
The logo that was selected, out of the three I ideas I submitted, was designed to evoke the wild landscape of Orkney, with its striking cultural artifacts (in particular the Standing Stones of Stenness), whilst reflecting a unique Orcadian identity. For the palette I avoided colours already associated with the partner brands, whilst still evoking conservation and natural history themes. The native hen harrier in flight connects the project and the place.
Once the logo was approved, I worked closely with the ONWP team to create comprehensive guidelines to show how to use the brand in various scenarios, and went on to design stationery, posters, leaflets and an information booklet.

"From that initial brief Ruth always makes the effort to probe deeper to really understand the requirement before presenting the options and progressing to the final design. The end result is always creative, distinct while being very usable.
We have had many compliments on the new brand for its attractiveness and recall which is exactly what a rebrand and marketing collateral need.”
Ann Cockerton,
Marketing, Orkney Native Wildlife Project”